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What We Do

From Fundamentals
to application

The Energy Materials Laboratory focuses on using nano-structured materials/nano device to improve energy conversion and storage technologies. In order to solve the big energy problems, we start with a fundamental consideration on materials.
Why is important to research fundamental materials' properties?
The answer comes from that properties of the materials are closely linked to the fundamental principle involved in energy conversion.
Devices such as solar cells, photoelectrochemical cells, and rechargeable batteries produce electricity by converting an energy source (a light, fuel, electricity) into a flow of electrons or hydrogen.

This conversion necessarily involves an energy transfer step, where energy from the source is passed along to the electrons constituting the electric current.
This transfer occurs on materials surfaces and/or through themselves.
Unsurprisingly, then, the desire for efficient material having appropriate microstructure, surface reactivity, interface property, defect characteristics has led to the fundamental research of materials for improved materials properties as well as better device performances.
Based on these research, we aim to raise the efficiency of energy technology, revitalize related industries and secure the source technology of the future energy industry.

  • 1) Energy storage/conversion :
  • Development of battery using high efficiency ceramic materials
  • Understanding the fabrication and mechanism of high efficiency solar cell based on organic / inorganic hybrid materials
  • Development of hydrogen production technology using high quality catalyst material
  • 2) Material research :
  • Developing deposition/synthesis processes that produce more efficient nanomaterials and unique microstructures.
  • Synthetic biomimetic materials for bone tissue engineering application hence the organic and inorganic materials were combined and introduced to improve as a bone application in both mineralization and itself properties