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List of Publication

NO. Publication
9 Kim, S., Kwon, T.W., Kim, J.Y., Shin, H., Lee, J.G., and Sung, M.M., Selective Vapor Deposition of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Thin Film on an n-Octadecyltrichlorosilane Monolayer Oxidized by Ultraviolet Photolithography, J. Kor. Phy. Soc., 49, S736 S740 (2006)
8 Shin, H., Lee, B.-K., Kim, C., and Kim, S-.H., Ultra thin and Isolated Dots in Polycrystalline Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) Films, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 53 (12), 2333-2339 (2006)
7 Lee, B.H., Cho, Y.H., Shin, H., Kim, J., Lee, J., Lee, H., and Sung, M.M., Selective Vapor-Phase Deposition of Conductive Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Thin Films on Patterned FeCl3 Formed by Microcontact Printing, Bull. Kor. Chem. Soc.,27 (10), 1633-1637 (2006)
6 Lee, J., Yang, H.J., Lee, J.H., Kim, J.Y., Nam, W.J., Shin, H., Ko, Y.K., Lee, J.G., Lee, E.G., and Kim, C.S., Highly Conformal Deposition of Pure Co Films by MOCVD using Co2(CO)8 as a Precursor, J. Electrochem. Soc., 153 (6) G539 G542 (2006)
5 Yang, H.J., Lee, J., Kim, S., Ko, Y.K., Shin, H., Lee, J.G., Kim, C., Sung, M.M., Bang, H.J., Cho, B.S., Bae, Y.H., Lee, J.H., Kim, D.H., Jeong, C.O., Kim, S.Y., and Kim, S.K., Fabrication of Cu/Co bilayer gate electrodes using selective chemical vapor deposition and soft lithographic patterning, J. Appl. Phys.,100, 113705 (2006)
4 Choi, T., Kim, J.S., Park, B.H., Shin, H., and Lee, J., Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin PbZrO3/PbTiO3 Artificial Superlattices by Scanning Probe Microscopy, Ferroelectrics, 336, 271-277 (2006)
3 Shin, H., Kim, C., Lee, B.-K., Kim, J., Park, H., Min, D.-K., Jung, J., Hong, S., and Kim, S., Formation and Process Optimization of Scanning Resistive Probe, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 24(5), Sep/Oct, 2417 2420 (2006) (has been selected for the Oct. 9, 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)
2 Park, J., Moon, J., Shin, H., Wang, D., and Park, M., Direct Write Fabrication of Colloidal Photonic Crystal Microarrays by Ink Jet Printing, J. Colloids Inter. Sci., 298, 713 719 (2006)
1 Bae, C., Shin, H., Moon, J., and Sung, M.M., Contact Area Lithography (CAL): A New Approach to Direct Formation of Nanometric Chemical Patterns Chem. Mater., 18[5], 1085 1088 (2006) (07Mar)