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List of Publication

NO. Publication
8 Kim, M., Bae, C., Kim, H., Yoo, H., Montero, J.M., Jung, H.S., Bachmann, J., Nielsch, K., and Shin, H., Confined Crystallization of Anatase TiO2 Nanotubes and Its Implication on the Transport Properties, J. Mater. Chem. A,1, 14080 14088 (2013)
7 Choi, T., Park, B.H., Shin, H., and Lee, J., Kinetics of Nanodomain Growth in Ferroelectric Artificial Superlattices, Scripta Materialia, 69, 501 504 (2013)
6 Kim, H., Bae, C., Jung, H.S., Lee, J.-S., and Shin, H., Direct Patterning of Metal Oxides by Hard Templating and Atomic Layer Deposition, Int. J. Nanotechnology, 10, 692 701 (2013)
5 Yoo, H., Bae, C., Kim, M., Hong, S., No, K., Kim, Y., and Shin, H., "Visualization of Three Dimensional Domain Structures in Ferroelectric PbTiO3 Nanotubes", Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 022902 (2013)
4 Bae, C., Kim, H., Yang, Y., Yoo, H., Montero, J.M., Bachmann, J., Nielsch, K., and Shin, H., Rapid, Conformal Gas-Phase Formation of Silica (SiO2) Nanotubes from Water Condensates, Nanoscale, 5, 5825 5832 (2013)
3 Kim, H., Kim, S.-K., Lee, M.-K., Yun, S., Song, Y., Kim K.-R. Kim, Shin, H., and Lee, H., Effects of Ion Beam-irradiated Si on Atomic Force Microscope Local Oxidation, Chem. Phys. Lett., 566, 44 49 (2013)
2 Bae, C., Zierold, R., Montero, J.M., Kim, H., Shin, H., Bachmann, J., and Nielsch, K., Multisegmented Nanotubes by Surface-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition, J. Mater. Chem. C.,1, 621 (2013)
1 Panda, S.K., Sant, S.B., Jacob, C., and Shin, H., Schottky Nanocontact on Single Crystalline ZnO Nanorod using Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy, J. Nanoparticle Res.,15:1361 (2013)