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List of Publication

NO. Publication
7 Lee, J., Lee, S., Kim, M.S., Shin, H., and Kim, J., Plasmon-enhanced Optical Properties of Au/TiO2 Core-Shell Nanowires Studied by Finite Difference Time Domain Calculation, Nanophotonic Materials XI, Proc. of SPIE, 9161, 916109 (2014)
6 Kim, M., Kim, H., Bae, C., Lee, J., Yoo, H., Montero Moreno, J. M. and Shin, H., "Initial Self-Ordering of Porous Anodic Alumina: Transition from Polydispersity to Monodispersity", J. Phys. Chem. C. 118, 26789 26795 (2014)
5 Yoo, H., Bae, C., Yang, Y., Kim, H., Kim, M., Lee, S., Kim, Y., and Shin, H., "Spatial Charge Separation in Asymmetric Nanostructure of Au/TiO2 by Light Induced Surface Potential Imaging", Nano Lett. 14, 4413 - 4417 (2014)
4 Yoo, H., Kim, M., Bae, C., Lee, S., Kim, H., Ahn, T.K., and Shin, H., Understanding Photoluminescence of Monodispersed Crystalline Anatase TiO2 Nanotube Arrays, J. Phys. Chem. C., 118, 9726 9732 (2014)
3 Bae, C., Boehnert T., Gooth, J., Lim, S., Lee, S., Kim, H., Heimann, S., Schulz, S., Shin, H., and Nielsch K., "Themopower Engineering of Bi2Te3 without Alloying: The Interplay between Nanostructuring and Defect Activation", Semiconductor Science and Technology, 29, 064003 (2014)
2 Kim, M. J., Park, J.H., Lee, K.Y., Lee, S., Han, G.-S., Song, H.J., Shin, H., Ahn, T.K., and Jung, H.S., "Cerium doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnett Hollow Shell Phosphors Synthesized via the Kirkendall Effect", ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 6, 1145 1151 (2014)
1 Panda, K. S., Lee, S., Yoon, W.-S., and Shin, H., Reversible Phase Transformation of TiO2 (anatase) Nanotubes upon Electrochemical Li-Intercalation Observed by Ex Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy, J. of Power Source, 249, 59 65 (2014)