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List of Publication

NO. Publication
5 Lee, J.-S., Kim, H., Cha, P.-R., Kim, J., and Shin, H., Size Effects on the Stabilization and Growth of Tetragonal ZrO2 Crystallites in a Nanotubular Structure, J. Nanosci. Nanotech.,12, 3177 3180 (2012)
4 Park, H., Beresford, R., Ha, R., Choi, H.-J., Shin, H., and Xu, J., Evaluation of Metal Nanowire Electrical Contacts by Measuring End-Contact Resistance, Nanotechnology, 23, 245201 (2012)
3 Choi, T., Park, B.H., Shin, H., and Lee, J., Nano-domain Engineering in Ultrashort-period Ferroelectric Superlattices, Appl. Phys. Lett.,100, 222906 (2012)
2 Baek, H., Lee, C., Park, J., Kim, Y., Koo, B., Shin, H., Wang, D., and Cho, J., Layer-by-Layer Assembled Enzyme Multilayers with Adjustable Memory Performance and Low Power Consumption via Molecular-Level Control, J. Mater. Chem., 22, 4645 - 4651 (2012)
1 Panda, K. S., Yoon, Y., Jung, H.S., Yoon, W.-S., and Shin, H., Nanoscale Size Effect of TiO2 (anatase) Nanotubes with Uniform Wall Thickness as High Performance Anode for Li-ion Secondary Battery, J. of Power Source, 204, 162 167 (2012)